Know About The Pros And Cons of An HCG Diet In Las Vegas

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or HCG Diet is a diet plan that revolves around using HCG hormones to shed excess weight. HCG is a hormone best known for boosting the fertility and pregnancy chances in females. What you may not know about HCG is that this hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland is used to reallocate stored fat to other body parts in an HCG Diet plan. Although, many people feel that HCG diet is an innovation, there are yet some people who consider it a bit risky diet. Reading this article, you will get acquainted with all the pros and cons of an HCG Diet in Las Vegas.


Let us first of all, discuss the pros or advantages of an HCG Diet in Las Vegas:

1. Appetite Suppressor: The first main benefit that anyone can reap out of an HCG diet is the diminishing feeling of hunger. Since, HCG is known to suppress appetite, those who are on this diet feel a sudden disinterest in eating. However; this suppression of appetite may vary from person to person, as everyone's response to this hormone may differ. Yet, usually, if a person is put on an HCG low-calorie diet, the result in most of the cases is suppression of appetite.

2. Hormone Balancer: Another major benefit of following an HCG Diet in Las Vegas is that it helps balancing the otherwise imbalanced hormones in a person's body. It has been noticed that the most common cause for weight gain in people is imbalance especially in the thyroid gland that releases hormones. This is where, this diet plan helps restoring the imbalance between a person's hormones; thereby shedding extra weight.

3. Prevents Muscle Loss: Third main advantage of HCG diet program is that unlike other diet plans, it prevents muscle loss. A common thing observed in those who lose weight is that they lose their muscle mass too; which is not a good thing in the long run. Fortunately, HCG diet doesn't affect the muscles by keeping the body in an anabolic state.


Now, that you have studied the pros of an HCG Diet in Las Vegas, it's time to learn about its cons:

1. Non-FDA Approved: The first major drawback of this diet is that neither it is recommended nor approved by the FDA. It's true that although, FDA does allow physicians to prescribe HCG dosages in order to control their appetite, but it doesn't approves of it in the form of a diet program. In fact, FDA has published health warnings against the risks associated with the usage of HCG.

2. Extremely Low Calorie Intake: Second disadvantage of this diet plan is that it allows the dieters to consume extremely low calories and therefore, many times, the dieters end up suffering from malnutrition. Worst thing is that this diet even excludes some healthy food items and this may be a torture to the body than a blessing. To read more Click Here

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