Natural Treatments To Lose Weight

In his article, Natural Supplements for Weight Loss, the researcher Mark A. Brudnak said: "As the world's population expands, so does the waistline", and it is true. In the last half-century, the average body mass of people around the world has increased 1·5kg/m every 10 years. That is why many people have started looking for new ways to lose weight using natural products. This article will talk about three of them:

  • The advantages of green tea,
  • The hibiscus tea and its relation to weight, and
  • Is coffee good for weight loss?


Its scientifically proven effectiveness has made green tea one of the best-known alternatives in the naturopathic world for weight control.

Also, green tea does not cause side effects or damage the metabolism of the people who drink it. It has no counter-indications and fits well with a low-calorie diet. It applies to both sexes and has a remarkable effect on both losing weight and maintaining it.


Green tea with ginger is a diuretic; this means that it helps the body to discard excess water through urine. This is great because it is well known that through urine and feces the body discards the components that it no longer needs.

It is also beneficial because it causes a thermal action that contributes to better blood flow and, therefore, a proper metabolism.

HIBISCUS TEA, also known as Agua de jamaica

Among the Latin American population, the reducing effect of hibiscus tea, or Agua de jamaica, is popularly known. This is not just an urban legend or a popular myth; it is a scientifically proven treatment that has a positive effect on health.


Hibiscus tea has a component that gives it its particular red color called anthocyanin. This anthocyanin controls type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity by lowering blood glucose levels.

Besides, the anthocyanin in hibiscus tea inhibits gastrointestinal lipase, limiting the digestion of fats. In short, this means that it causes less fat to accumulate in fat stores. So if less fat gets into the deposits, it is easier to clean up the remaining with exercise and diet.


A prospective epidemiological study found that coffee consumption was followed by a lower risk of diabetes, but only in participants who had already lost weight.

"It is possible that caffeine and other components in coffee [...] are involved in weight loss."

Concerning metabolism and the oxidation process of sugars, there is nothing conclusive. Some studies suggest that caffeine could increase the risk of diabetes, while others say that decaffeinated coffee could even increase insulin tolerance and therefore speed up metabolism.


Natural treatments, such as Green Tea and Hibiscus Tea, can help you lose weight. However, they should always be accompanied by an appropriate exercise routine and a complementary diet.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, many people want and need to lose weight, but they have to be careful with the products that are offered in the market to achieve it because some could have a counterproductive effect.

Therefore, to achieve effective and sustainable weight loss it is necessary to seek medical attention. If you are going through weight problems, visit your trusted nutritionist and they will be happy to help you.
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